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What Is Great Preparations?

We provide womxn, yogis and birthing folx personalized support from conscious living through conception decision and birthing experience to early parenthood through a BIPOC lens.

Who Are The Doulas?

Great Preparations was created by Doulas Nicole Williams and Tish Torres.

Nicole Williams is a certified full-spectrum birth doula and certified health coach. As a wife and mother of 2, she exemplifies how each pregnancy differs and speaks to her first-hand experience as a pregnant person & mother. 

Check out her personal Instagram @TheWellMommy 

Tish Torres is a certified full-spectrum birth doula, certified yoga & meditation guide and mindset coach. As a Madrina (Spanish for “Godmother”) of 7 sweet souls, she is navigating the “To be or not to be a mom?” journey. 

Check out her personal Instagram @TheTishTorres 

Why Great Preparations?

Our aim is to remove expectations and misconceptions about the pregnancy & parenthood journey. We believe in connecting evidence-based, scientific research with spiritual philosophies, reframing narratives around wxmanhood & mothering and establishing healthy boundaries while working with the healthcare system.

By providing education around the history of birthing across cultures, the evolution of modern medicine, holistic alternatives and by empowering our body’s natural processes, we cultivate a brave space where womxn can express their own experiences and learn from other womxns experiences with transparency and authenticity.

The Great Preparations© community affirms giving ourselves grace. We are just trying to figure out what works best for our journey AND… it’s OK to not know what you want … it’s OK to do better, once you know better … it’s OK to respect and honor our different paths.

So, What Are Next Steps?

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